Time For Your Next Dental Exam!

kansas city exam visit

When was the last time you stopped in for a dental checkup? Like a cleaning, you need to have one of these at least twice a year, and that goes for kids and adults alike. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist talks about why we need an exam, and why now is such a great time to schedule your next visit with our team.

The Benefits of a Checkup

With a checkup, we have a chance to take a look at your smile every few months. Serious issues like tooth decay, gingivitis, and gum disease don’t form overnight. Which means a routine exam allows us to catch these issues in the early stages, before your smile could develop painful symptoms or suffer tooth loss. We will take a close look using digital x-rays and intraoral cameras, so we can see close up and detailed pictures above and beneath the gum line. A diagnosis is then made with precision and accuracy, identifying cavities, infections, gingivitis, and gum disease. We also watch for issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism (chronic teeth grinding). We can walk you through this process and help you better understand your smile!

Care for Kids and Adults

These visits benefit people of all ages. Kids also have high risk factors for cavities, and older children could be susceptible to gingivitis. We also want to make sure baby teeth fall out on schedule, and that the permanent teeth erupt properly, which is necessary to avoid dental misalignment. You can schedule a visit for your whole family, and make sure you continue to enjoy good oral health throughout the year and beyond.

Scheduling One Now

You should see us now because this is the lull before the hectic holiday season begins, and suddenly everyone has a full schedule all of the time. We could examine the smile and offer treatment. In fact, we could address issues like cavities in one visit with a filling, repairing minor damage and cosmetic issues in one visit with dental bonding. You use your remaining 2021 dental insurance benefits, and any health savings funds you have left too, before they expire at the end of December.

If you have any questions about the benefits of a checkup and cleaning, or if you would like to schedule one soon, then contact our team today. We want to help everyone start 2022 with their best possible smile!

Talk To Your Kansas City, MO Dentist About Our Exams

With a watchful eye on your smile, we can help you and your family avoid the onset of serious oral health problems. To find out more about how we perform a close and detailed dental examination, then please contact your Kansas City, MO, dentist, Dr. Murphy, by calling (816) 531-8000.